Getting Started with cPanel Web Hosting

We provide the cPanel control panel to let you administer your website hosting with us. cPanel is a graphical interface that lets you carry out many common hosting tasks in a couple of clicks. cPanel is by far the world’s most popular hosting control panel. You may already be familiar with it already if you have had website hosting before.

Logging into cPanel

After ordering hosting with us you can log into your cPanel control panel in two ways:

By logging into your client area and navigating to Products & Services > Click on Manage web hostingLogin to Control Panel. You can find an overview of the hosting details additional to the login buton as well, if you need.

  1. By logging directly into cPanel using You will need your cPanel username and password which can be viewed and in the "Hosting Accounts" section. If you need to reset your password for any reason, please contact us for assistance.

If you have a reseller account with Stablepoint, this gives you the ability to control multiple cPanel accounts using the WHM interface.

If you have a server with Stablepoint, you have the ability to create multiple cPanel accounts using the WHM interface, all on your own dedicated machine.

Getting started with cPanel

cPanel offers an easy-to-use interface so if you're not so technically advanced you don't have to worry about the complexity! But it also provides advanced options for the more experienced users so they can take full advantage of the features they need. Here are some articles to get you started off in the basics:

Installing Software

There are two main ways you might like to install software. Either you will use our auto-installers (which is recommended for most common open source software such as WordPress, Joomla & Magento), or you can install your software manually following their install guides. We provide overview guides for both, as well as specific guides for the automatic and manual install of WordPress.

Uploading and Managing Files

Web hosting has a folder structure much like on a computer. By default your website files run out of a folder called public_html. There are various ways you can manage files. You can either use the inbuilt file manager, you can use ftp or sftp through a file management application such as FileZilla, or advanced users can use SSH. Please see the following guides:


Databases store the data for most applications. WordPress, for instance, uses both files and database. Stablepoint hosting lets you create unlimited databases. These are automatically created if you auto-install software, but you can also add them manually. You may at some stage need to view the database content also or to make changes (for instance to force reset a WordPress password).

Email Accounts

Every Stablepoint hosting account lets you create unlimited email accounts. These can either be full mailboxes, or they can be set up to forward elsewhere. Alternatively you could set up MX records to point email to an external provider such as Google Gsuite or Office365.

SSL Certificates

At Stablepoint we provide free SSL certificates with every hosting account. In most cases, you do not need to do anything - provisioning and renewal is entirely automated.

Performance and Optimisation

Stablepoint Hosting is set up to run your websites quickly and to minimise potential downtime or issues. By default we set it up to run the greatest number of sites in the best way. However, as on any hosting platform, there are optimisations you can do to ensure your specific site loads quickly from your end as well. Here are some guides:

Advanced Options

We provide advanced tools that you may also find use for. Some key areas include: